Admission Requirements
In order to enrol students need to meet one the following admission requirements:
1) possession of an undergraduate degree ( I Level), three-year university diploma or four-year degree or other specialist or Master’s Degree or other qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable under current legislation. The following Degrees are suitable for admission: a) ex DM 270/04: L-1 Cultural Heritage; L-10 Literature; L-42 History; b) ex DM 509/99: Class 13 Cultural Heritage Sciences; Class 5 Literature; Class 38 Historical Sciences.
2)Previous Achievement of least 42 credits (ECTS) in the areas listed in the ministerial table of the LM-2 Archaeology Degree Class
Ancient and Medieval History; b) Classical and Medieval Archaeology and Antiquities and / or Eastern Archaeology and Antiquities; c) Ancient and Medieval Languages and Literature; d) Technical, scientific and legal training.
An advanced competence in at least one of the languages of the Euroepan Union is also required.
Academic requirements and previously acquired knowledge and abilities will be evaluated by an admission committee during an individual interview and on the basis of the following documents: certification of exams with an indication of the discipline and the number of ECTS; a language competence certification of a language of the European Union.
If the admission requisites are missing, the admission committee will evaluate the candidates during an interview. Enrolment at Student Services Office may proceed only after the interview has taken place.
Application procedure
The application form, accompanied by an individual study plan - letter of intent (see attached forms) must be sent by e-mail to the address from the 6th of July to the 26th of November 2022, and (only for students who earn their BA Degree between December 2022 and February 2023) from the Ist of December 2022 to the 15 th of January 2023.
Candidates who live abroad and cannot attend the interview must send, in addition to their application form:
a copy of their academic transcript
a study plan
a letter of intent illustrating previous academic study and training , and their motivations and goals
The interview schedule is published on the UniOr website pages dedicated to the the Master’s Degree Programme - Applying to the Master’s Degree Programme.
Please use the following forms
Pagina creata il 14/04/2018