The tradition of the University of Naples "L'Orientale", based on the comparative analyses of diverse cultures through the prism of different disciplinary fields has led to developing a significant sensitivity to issues related to mobility and human migration. The latter refers to the history of Italian emigration and internal mobility, together with contemporary migratory processes that today increasingly affect Italy as a place of arrival.
Migratory flows, together with their effects (spatial, economic, social, cultural ...) represent a plural phenomenon, mutable yet simultaneously central to the interpretation of the contemporary world. Knowledge of their processes and consequences on places of arrival, departure and transit cannot be separated from the necessity of a multidisciplinary approach. The increasing involvement of different fields of knowledge is demonstrated by the rich production on the theme in recent years at the Orientale. In particular, the Department of Human and Social Sciences (Disus) is endowed with a solid tradition of studies in the fields of historical, economic, socio-anthropological, postcolonial, legal, philosophical and geographical studies related to cultural processes in their multiple forms. At the same time, the other two departments of the University (Asia, Africa and the Mediterranean, Comparative Literary and Linguistic Studies), along with their linguistic and cultural competences related to the different areas of migratory flows, offer multiple activities and research on the theme of multiculturalism and language learning.
In this context MoMi aims to deepen the fields of enquiry that are particularly active in the three departments of the University putting them in contact and cross-fertilizing them while remaining attentive to the simultaneity of local and global inflections. In the light of the emerging forms that migration processes are taking, beyond the rhetoric of an ‘emergency’, it is necessary to reflect on: the new scenarios and structures of the fields of migration that are currently emerging; on the interpretative tools needed to understand the socio-economic dynamics that push people to move; on the lexicon and multidisciplinary theoretical approaches: on the growing value assumed by immaterial capital and the transnational communication networks; on the transformation processes in the places of departure, arrival and transit set in motion by migrants and refugees as collective actors along different scales. These are areas in which the University appears well equipped to ensure a plurality of cultural and disciplinary perspectives.
In particular, the MoMi aims to promote multidisciplinary strategic programmes on the argument, through meetings, periodic seminars and publications, developing an online information platform, and establishing a fruitful dialogue with non-academic operators in the sector (local authorities, institutions and associations operating in the field of multiculturalism). At an immediate level, it is possible to imagine a dialogue with other local experts and professional realities to propose field surveys that allow the centre to become a tool for dialogue with policy-makers, institutional operators and public opinion, in a period that requires these conversations more than ever. On another level, the Centre can become a referent point for studies, research and consultancy for those working in the immigration and emigration sector: both dimensions that are still very active in the Campania region. On a macro scale, the Centre aims to contribute to the lively international debate, building on the comparative work that can be provided by partners from different institutions involved in the network, both in the Scientific committee and in the Honorary committee. In particular, the Migrinter Laboratory of the University of Poitiers will be a structural partner of the Centre, with whom one could envisage the eventual construction of a shared Master's degree that enriches the pedagogical proposals of the Orientale.
Sources of financing:
The Center will participate in national and European funding calls, along with possible contributions from Institutions, Bodies and external Foundations.
Other institutions involved in the Centre:
Laboratoire Migrinter of the University of Poitiers (France) considered a significant partner through the presence of professors Miranda and Miret.
Special requirements for joining the Center:
Expertise and publications on the themes of mobility and international migration.
Number of members of the Scientific Council: 5.
Headquarters: UNIOR Department of Human and Social Sciences.
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Pagina creata il 08/02/2019